Sift - OpenBiomechanics Project: Refine Queries with Metadata

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Through the OpenBiomechanics Project, Driveline Baseball has made elite-level motion capture data publicly available. The data can be downloaded from Driveline's GitHub repository.

Having access to large datasets is a great asset, but processing these large datasets can take time (and patience). Sift is designed to streamline this process. The steps in this tutorial describe how to create CMZ files from the pitching and batting data sets, and then inspect and group the data in Sift.

Downloads and Relevant Links

Begin by downloading the following two zip files.

  1. OpenBiomechanics Project: Driveline Baseball data
  2. C-Motion Specific Files

Please note, these downloads contain a large amount of data. Building CMZs is a slow process, so if you want to speed it up to follow along with building CMZ portion of this tutorial cut the number of datasets under openbiomechanics-main down to 3-5 subjects.

If you want to skip the Build CMZ step of this tutorial and focus on the metadata applications, you can:

For more technical information about loading metadata, see: Metadata Documentation

Build CMZs for Hitting Data

In the Build CMZ dialog:

  1. Set the path to: C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_hitting\data\c3d
  2. Set the Metadata File to : C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_hitting\data\metadata.csv
  3. Set the MDH File to: C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_hitting\code\v3d\model\hitting_v1_model_hybrid.mdh
  4. Add the following scripts and ensure they are in the correct order:
    1. C:\...\CMotion Files\Filter.v3s
    2. C:\...\CMotion Files\Events.v3s
    3. C:\...\openbiomechanics-main\baseball_hitting\code\v3d\CMO.v3s
  5. Click Create CMZs
  6. A metadata dialog box will appear after clicking Create CMZs. Make the following changes in this box:
    1. Height Units: in
    2. Weight Units: Lb
    3. session_swing: Dynamic Trial Identifier
    4. user: Static Trial Identifier
    5. Check "Subject Specific" next to highest_playing_level, hitter_side, bat weight/length, and Click "Apply".
  7. CMZ files may take a while to build. Check the status bar in the bottom left hand corner of the interface for the build status. After the files are built, check that the Library Path dialog is set correctly and hit "Load" in the Load Library dialog.
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