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The file tagging mechanism allows you to define specific subsets of your C3D files, to facilitate processing these as a group. Tags can be made Active in the same fashion that individual files can be made active. Tags are a general way to set files as active since filenames are usually unique across workspaces because they are associated with the full pathname.

A tag can be anything ("PRE" or "POST", "Subject1" or "Subject2", "Walk" or "Run", etc.).

A file can have multiple TAGS associated with it. A TAG can have multiple files associated with it.

Using Tags

By setting a Tag as the Active File, it means all files associated with that tag will be processed.

You can use tags in a pipeline using the Select_Active_File command.

You can use tags in a Report Template to display only data associated with that tag.

Creating Tags:

There are multiple ways to create tags in Visual3D:

(A) Workspace Tab
(B) File -> Add/Modify File Tags
(C) Pipeline

(A) Workspace Tab

Using the workspace tab to create tags is a great way to create tags manually when you are interactively working with a file.
1. In the Workspace tab, click "Add New File Tag"

2. In the popup dialog, enter the new file tag name
3. Click "Continue"

4. Check files that should be associated with file tag

(B) File -> Add/Modify File Tags

The benefit of going to File -> Add/Modify File Tags is that the dialog will allow you to select multiple files at once by clicking and dragging - instead of individually checking the check boxes as you do in the Workspace tab.
1. Go to File -> Add/Modify File Tags

2. Specify the file tag name
3. Click "Create New Tag"

4. Specify the files that should be associated with file tag
5. Click "OK"

(C) Pipeline

You can assign tags to files using the pipeline, as well as combine and remove tags.
Using the Pipeline to create tags will be the most useful when automating your processing.

Removing Tags:

You can use the Remove_Tags pipeline command.
Uncheck all files associated with a tag in the Workspace tab. Once a tag has no files associated with it, it will be deleted.

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