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The multi-subject version of Visual3D allows for two options:

(1) Apply multiple static trials to a dynamic trial. This would be done if you had a subject in one static trial, and a bench in another static trial. The two static trials can be associated and the segments in both trials will be created in the dynamic trials.

(2) The multi-subject option allows users to easily work with datasets that include more than one subject in a dynamic trial. For example, two people sparring or dancing within the capture volume.

It's expected that subject prefixes are used in the C3D files. For example, a target is named "S001:LMK" where "S001:" is the subject prefix and "LMK" is the target name (note: most camera manufacturers already support this option).

For the static trial, the multiple subjects can be in the same C3D file, or in multiple static C3D files.

NOTE: If only collecting data with one subject in the volume, do not export C3D files with subject prefixes from your camera manufacturer.

Model Tab

ALL_SUBJECTS, NO_SUBJECT, subject prefixes

    • Allows you to view all segments with subject prefixes
    • Allows you to view all segments not associated with a subject prefix (ex. LAB)
  • Subject prefixes
    • Allows you to view all segments associated with that subject prefix


Important Pipeline Commands

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