Inspect3D Advanced Query Section

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The group definition dialog is used to define which signals you want to query from the CMZ library and allows you to group data together (ex. right and left side, intact/affected).


Group Definition File

You can save group definitions (.q3d) so they can be loaded again (for use on the same or a different CMZ library). You can save one group definition at a time to a file, or all files.

Groups and Sub Groups

You can define Groups and Sub-Groups.

  • A Group would be "AnkleMoment_X"
  • A Sub-Group would be "LAnkleMoment_X" and "RAnkleMoment_X"
  • A group can have as many Sub-Groups as necessary (1-N)

Note: Groups and Sub-Groups can use spaces and special characters - if you plan to update the CMZ files with exclusions, be cautious using special characters. Sub-Group names can be repeated in different groups (but not within the same group).

Sub-Group Definition

The Sub-Group Definition lets you define the signals you want to query. These signals are defined using the following information:


Name of the signal as it is referenced in the Visual3D Data tree:

  • Type
  • Folder
  • Name
  • Component
  • Negate Results


Events you want to use to normalize the data to:

  • Event Sequence:
  • Exclude Events:
  • Number of Points:
  • Spline Type:



  • Refine using tag:
  • Use AND Logic:
  • Refine using signal:

  • Refinement Name:
  • Signal Definition:
    • Type:
    • Folder:
    • Name:
    • Component:
  • Value Must Be: Options are:
    • Less Than: Specify a threshold the signal must be less than
    • Greater Than: Specify a threshold the signal must be greater than
    • Equal To: Specify a threshold the signal must be equal to
    • Not Equal To: Specify a threshold the signal must not be equal to
    • Between: Specify two values the signal must be between
    • Manual: Specify a Visual3D Expression the signal must satisfy

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