Pipeline Breakpoint

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This command will place a breakpoint in the pipeline that will allow the user assess their current progress before continuing. A dialog will pop-up and a custom message will be shown to the user along with two buttons: one allowing you to resume and the other if you wish to halt. The command is as follows:


The message can be formatted using a simple version of the rtf file format.

For example, the following command will output four separate lines in the breakpoint prompt dialg

/PAUSE_MESSAGE= {\rtf1\ansi\deff0
\pard One\par
\pard Two\par
\pard Three\par
\pard Four\par

Syntax Issue

Consider the following:

/PAUSE_MESSAGE=08/09/2017 by WSS Speed = 0.4
A forward slash (/) is a special character for pipeline commands that indicates that a parameter_name follows immediately afterwards.
If an equals sign (=) follows Visual3D confirms that a parameter was specified.
Two equals signs (==), however, does confirm that a parameter was specified.
Visual3D searches for an equals sign after each slash because this logically indicates that the user has specified a parameter.
Pause_Message is assigned the string 08/09
Visual3D finds an equals sign after the next slash, so interprets the rest of the string as a new parameter
/2017 by MJT using Modify_Speed_Metric_Ver01 Speed = 0.4
It doesn't do anything with this parameter because it doesn't recognize it.
remove the = sign
/PAUSE_MESSAGE=08/09/2017 by WSS Speed 0.4
or specify two equals signs
/PAUSE_MESSAGE=08/09/2017 by WSS Speed == 0.4

Example Pipeline

! This script is an example using the Pipeline breakpoint command to allow
! the user to review the model and make adjustments before continuing.

! Fresh Workspace

! Apply model to motion files - 
! Bring in static file and apply model template. Open motion files and assign model

! Create hybrid model from static file

! Apply model template. The user will browse for the model file

! Breakpoint for reviewing model
/PAUSE_MESSAGE=Review the model and make any adjustments before continuing.

! Open motion files. The user will browse for the files 
/SET_PROMPT=Open motion files

! Assign tags to motion files

! Assign the model to the motion files
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