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Collecting and Using Metadata

Metadata in biomechanics typically refers to supplementary data about our subjects or experiments (i.e. subject age, pitching speed, skill level, etc.). Properly formatted metadata can be used to refine Inspect3D queries using the CMZ Builder. Metadata can come from a variety of sources, including collection systems or subject demographic info. Inspect3D expects metadata to come in .csv format and has a framework that can accept different types of data.


You can load Metadata and group signals based on this information.

A sample of the dialog that will appear is below:

The current implementation expects several columns (ex. Height, Weight, StaticTrialName). Each row contains data for that subject/trial.

Combo box options:

  • Identifier_Static
    • This column should describe name of the static C3D file in some way (ex. Sub01_Static_01.c3d) and identifies this row as containing information for this subject
  • Indentifier_Dynamic
    • This column should describe name of the dynamic C3D file in some way (ex. Sub01_Walk_01.c3d) and identifies this row as containing information for this trial
  • Metric
    • Any metric value (ex. pitch speed)
  • Text
    • Any text value (ex. playing level)
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Specify units for height/weight!

Subject Specific checkbox:

  • Subject specific values are the same for all trials (ex. height, weight, playing level)
  • Trial specific values differ for each trial (ex. pitch speed)
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