Sift - Animation Dialog

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The Show Animation Dialog allows use to view any of your C3D's in a 3D simulated environment. The dialog can be found in the toolbar.

Animation Overview

There are two sections in the general options dialog.

  1. Selection Options: These options will customize your experience interacting with the data.
  2. Plotting Options: These options will customize your experience interacting with the plots.

Selection Options

Highlight all data when Refresh is selected: All data gets highlighted after the refresh button is selected. Useful when a trace is selected.

Highlight all data in group: When checked, if a trace is selected the entire group gets highlighted.

Highlight data across groups: When checked, the same trace across all groups is highlighted as well.

Show excluded data: When checked, data is still shown when excluded.

Excluded selected data for all groups: When checked, if a trace is excluded the corresponding trace across all groups is excluded.

Use short C3D file names on selection: Only short names will be show when a trace is selected.

Transparency for unselected data (0-100%): This slider allows you to choose the transparency of the unselected data with 100% being completely clear.

Plotting Options

Refresh plot on selection changes: When checked, whenever a new selection is made the active plot refreshes

Show instances where data not found : When checked, data that is not found will still appear on the plots.

Use selected workspaces when calculate group means: When checked, only the selected workspaces will calculated the group means when being plotted.

Show vertical line for video and animations: When checked, vertical line will show during animations and video. Vertical line styles can be changed in Data Options.

Transparency for dispersion measures (0-100%): This slider allows you to choose the transparency of the dispersion measures with 100% being completely clear.

Graph Rows: Number of rows of graphs.

Graph Columns: Number of columns of graphs.

Plot view type: Gives you the option to view a single plot, a row of plots, or a column of plots.

Graph View Count: Number of Graphs you wish to view.

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