3DSSPP Marker Set

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A simple 3D marker set to be used with 3DSSPP and the command pipelines provided in this documentation. The marker names listed below are mandatory for these pipelines.

This marker set can be used for 3DSSPP without the necessity of creating a Visual3D model (e.g. no standing trial is required, but no animation of the skeleton is possible).

LFOO = Left Lateral Foot (5th metatarsal)
LANK = Left Lateral Ankle
LKNE = Left Lateral Knee
LHIP = Left Greater Trochanter
LSHO = Left Lateral Shoulder
LELB = Left Lateral Elbow
LHAN = Left Posterior Wrist
RFOO = Right Lateral Foot
RANK = Right Lateral Ankle
RKNE = Right Lateral Knee
RHIP = Right Greater Trochanter
RSHO = Right Lateral Shoulder
RELB = Right Lateral Elbow
RHAN = Right Posterior Wrist
L4 = 4th Lumbar Vertebra
NECK = 7th Cervical Vertebra
ROFF = Right Scapula (used by the motion capture system for marker identification only)
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