Event Onset

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Create an Event Label using two Threshold crossings and a local minimum.

Create an event label at the last minimum value before a threshold crossing, or at the last baseline threshold crossing before a threshold crossing. The event created is the "minimum" event or "baseline" event that is closest to the threshold crossing.

  • The threshold crossing is a fairly high value (or metric) that the user is confident is beyond the Event of interest
  • The baseline crossing is a low threshold value (or metric) which is typically the point at which a velocity signal(for example) just starts moving.
  • The last local minimum before the threshold crossing (higher threshold).
  • The event from the baseline crossing and local minimum that is closest to the higher threshold crossing is set as the ONSET Event.

If multiple components are chosen (X Y and Z), the command will look for when any component passes the threshold and when any component reaches the baseline or a local minimum.


/Signal_Types=The type of signal to be evaluated
/Signal_Names=The name of the signal to be evaluated
/Signal_Folder=The name of the signal folder
/Event_Name=The name to be given to the threshold event
/Select_X=(True or False)Use this component of the signal
/Select_Y=(True or False)Use this component of the signal
/Select_Z=(True or False)Use this component of the signal
/Threshold=The first threshold value. E.g. the point at which we start going backwards through the signal
/Threshold_Instance=The instance of the first threshold crossing
/Baseline=A baseline value. If the signal crosses this point before the local minima, the event will be placed at this frame
/Frame_Window=The range of frames of data that must satisfy the threshold crossing. Used by the "Ensure" variable
/Frame_Offset=The frame offset from the threshold crossing where the event label is to be placed
/Ascending=(True or False) Determine the threshold when the signal is passing up through the threshold
/Descending=(True or False) Determine the threshold when the signal is passing down through the threshold
/Start_At_Event=The search begins from the start event
/End_At_Event=The search ends at the end event

Example 1

Identifies movement onset based on the speed of the hand.


Note that both the Threshold and Baseline parameter accept either a number or a METRIC

Example 2



Visual3D will find when the signal crosses the threshold (25N) and look backwards in time (along the light blue) and find EITHER:
- When the signal reaches the baseline of 0 N (this is indicated by the first instance of SCOTT2)
- When the signal reaches the local minima (this is indicated by the second instance of SCOTT2)

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