Export 3D Animation To Image

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Export a snapshot of the 3D viewer and save the file to disk.

  • multiple files in the workspace can be selected
  • multiple frames of data can be exported to individual files
Note: if there are multiple output files (either because of multiple files or multiple frames), the name of the file is used as a prefix on the output file and the frame number is appended.

Pipeline Command


Exporting one image

In the following example:

  • One Image is exported from the first file that matches the wildcard specificat
  • Frame 10 is exported
  • The output file is specified using the IMAGE_FILE_NAME parameter


Exporting multiple images

In the following example:

  • Images are exported from all files in the workspace.
  • Frames 1 and 2 are exported
  • All frames within the Event_Sequence (LHS-LTO) are exported
  • The target folder for the files is specified using the IMAGE_FILE_NAME parameter
  • The exported file contains the name of the original file appended with the frame number


Version 4 Implementation

Export a snapshot of the 3D viewer and save the file to disk.

in Version 4:

  • only one file in the workspace can be selected
  • only one frame of data can be exported
  • only one exported filename can be specified.
! /FRAME=1

This is consistent with the export option under the [File Menu Item]

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