Metric Signal Value At Event

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Legacy Command

Metric_Signal_At_Event replaced the command Signal_Value_At_Event


The value of the specified signal at the specified frame of data is stored as a metric.

  • All components of the specified signal will be stored in the metric signal.
    • Since version 5: the user has the option to select an individual component
  • If there are multiple occurrences of an EVENT, there will be multiple entries in the metric that is created.
  • There is an option to calculate the mean and standard deviation for metrics that have multiple values.

/Result_Metric_Name= The name of the resulting signal.
/Result_Metric_Folder= The folder that will contain the resulting signal
/Signal_Types= The type of signal to be evaluated
/Signal_Names= The names of the signals to be evaluated
/Signal_Folder= The name of the signal folder
/Event_Name= The name of the event Label.
/Generate_Mean_And_Stddev= If there are multiple occurences of the Event, the metric will contain multiple values.If Selecte the mean and standard deviation for the metric values will be computed.
/Append_To_Existing_Values= (True or False) If the metric exists, the new values will be appended to the metric, retaining all of the previous values.
/Generate_Metric_Length_Metric= (True or False) If the metric is a vector quantity (e.g. has 3 components), compute the magnitude of the vector.
/Retain_No_Data_Values= (True or False) If the result is no_data, retain the value.

Example Value of a Target

This example calculates the value of the TARGET RFT1 at the Event_Label RON


Note: In cases where there is NO_DATA at an event, you need to specify the parameter /Retain_No_Data_Values=TRUE should you want this included in the resulting signal.

Example Time at an Event

This example calculates the time of the Event_Label RON


Component Workaround

Since Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event outputs all three components, here is a workaround of the previous example that will output one component. Evaluate_Expression is used to create a signal with one component, the z component for RFT1. Then the Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event will calculate the value of the TARGET RFT1 at the Event_Label RON.

! RFT1 Z component


P2D Signals

Consider a P2D signal created using Global_Normalized_Signal_Mean.
The resulting signal has three components, an index, a mean signals, and a standard deviation signal
It is possible to compute the maximum value of the 3 components using Metric_Maximum
It isn't possible to directly identify the standard deviation at that index because it isn't possible to define an Event for a time normalized signal ( has no frame rate or time.
Without having an event you cannot get the value of a signal at that event using Metric_Signal_Value_At_Event
One solution, albeit a non-intuitive solution is to SORT (descending) the p2D signal by the second component (eg. the MEAN).
For the resulting signal, the maximum value and the associated standard deviation will be in the first frame
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