Pipeline Control Commands

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An important feature of the pipeline is the ability to create and use Pipeline Parameters.

A Pipeline PARAMETER is a way to store a text string for use in Pipeline commands. In one sense it is similar to specifying a global variable, such as body weight, that could be used in computations. It is actually much more flexible than that in the pipeline. The Visual3D pipeline commands permit multiple entries on a single line, and since the entire line can be represented as a string, a single PIPELINE PARAMETER can represent multiple signals.


Pipeline parameters can be created in the pipeline and used as variables in other commands in the same pipeline.


Set a pipeline parameter to be the Folder path.


Creates a pipeline parameter containing the names of the TAGGED files.


In order to process multiple files it can be useful to identify all of the files in a folder path and assign the names to a pipeline parameter.


In order to process multiple signals it can be useful to identify all of the signals of a given type.


Create a pipeline parameter with the values of a signal


Create a pipeline parameter from an expression


Create a pipeline parameter to mimic a traditional for loop.


Prompts a dialog for user to create a pipeline parameter with the specified parameter value.


Prompts a dialog for user to create multiple pipeline parameters with the specified parameter values.


Get a count of the number of parameter values in a parameter


Create a pipeline parameter containing the value of one component (e.g. index) from another parameter.

For_Each and End_For_Each

Executes pipeline commands multiple times for each item in a list of items. It is not identical with a "for loop" or "do loop" in a programming language because the items must be explicitly defined as ITEMS in the command. This has some powerful consequences because it means that you can "loop" through disconnected items or strings as easily as using a structured list.

Conditional_Statement and Conditional_Statement_End

Executes pipeline commands that occur between Conditional_Statement and Conditional_Statement_End. The intermediate commands will only be executed if the EXPRESSION in the Conditional_Statement command is TRUE (returns any value other than 0).


Another debugging feature of the Pipeline Workshop is the ability to halt execution of commands on the "first error". When the first error occurs, commands will stop executing and the errors and warnings will appear in the processing results window.


This command will place a breakpoint in the pipeline that will allow the user to review the results from the previous pipeline commands and resume when you feel you are ready to resume or halt if you are not.


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