Reporting Example 2

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How to Modify Explicit Settings for Report Graphs

By default, the Y axis of a graph will be graphed from max to min:

Changing the settings will allow you to manually specify the max/min value:

Consider a graph created with the settings on the right:
Since the Y-Axis Scale is set to Global Min to Max, the graph that is created has the range of data for the y-axis determined by the maximum and minimum values of the signals graphed:

To change the range:

1. In the Reports tab, select the graph using the Left Mouse Button

- Handles will appear indicating that the graph is active
- If the handles don't appear, the graph is not selected!!

2. Right click on the selected graph
3. Select Format Graph

4. Set the y-axis range:

- Check Modify Y Axis Scale
- Specify the Y Min/Y Max

5. Click Apply

The graph has now been explicitly set to these properties:

The Report Graph dialog will now reflect that the settings are explicit. If the graph template is saved, these explicit settings will be saved in the Report Template

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