Reporting Example 4

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Adding an annotation at an explicit value along the x-axis

The following steps will add a vertical line (annotation) onto a report graph at 60% of the range.

Given the following report graph:

Step 1 - Edit the Report Graph

  • Edit the graph you want to add an annotation to
    • Click "Global Annotations"

Step 2 - Select Annotations

  • In the Annotations Editor
    • Click "Add"

Step 3 - Select "Average Event or Numeric Value"

For a line at 60% along the x-axis, enter 60 in the combo box:

  • Annotation Style: Vertical Line
  • Color: Green
  • Size: Normal
  • Event Name or Numeric Value: 60
  • Check "Average Event or Numeric Value"

Review Resulting Graph

The resulting report graph:

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