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/SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START= Within the event sequence specify the beginning of the range as a percent

/SEQUENCE_PERCENT_END= Within the event sequence specify the end of the range as a percent

Let TimeBegin be the time of the first event in the event sequence
Let TimeEnd be the time of the last event in the event sequence

The resulting time used for the calculations is:
Begin= TimeBegin + PercentStart*(TimeEnd-TimeBegin)/100.0f;
End= TimeBegin + PercentEnd*(TimeEnd-TimeBegin)/100.0f;
The frames of data used are determined by rounding Begin and End to the nearest POINT frame.
NOTE: In Visual3D Frame 1 = Time 0.0
For example
if Begin= 2.3 the start frame would be 3
if Begin= 2.6 the start frame would be 4
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