Template:Namespace:RT Plugin ForcePlatformTab

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The minimum force management box is for screening out unwanted noise from the force platforms. The default value is 20.00 N meaning that any force equal to or lower than 50.00 N will not be displayed by the system. It does not affect forces that are greater than the specified limit. The minimum force may be set at any value between 0 and 9,999.90 N.

The baseline force measurement tool allows you to determine the average amount of noise present in your force platform system and remove it from the forces displayed by the system and sent to any client programs such as a biofeedback software. The baseline frame number is set at 10 which means that the baseline function will take a sample of 10 consecutive frames. The frame number may be set at any whole number from 1 to 9,999. When you click the "Measure Baseline" button it will take a sample of frames (as many or as little as indicated by the baseline frame number box.) The average force will be calculated for these frames. This value will subsequently be subtracted from all of the following frames. The graphics displayed and the data passed on to any client programs will be the initial value minus the calculated average. When the "Zero Baseline" button is pressed the forces will no longer have the baseline number subtracted and the forces displayed and given to any client programs will be the value taken from the force plate.

Both force management tools may be used at the same time.

The "Use force structure" checkbox controls the force structure, which is the amalgamation of multiple forces. If the checkbox is not selected then the force structure will not be calculated. This means that the force structure will not appear in the graphics and that the data for a force structure will not be available for any client programs.

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