Using the matlab fda tool for designing a notch filter

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Creating a 50 Hz notch filter for data collected at 1500 HZ.

The following parameters were entered into the Matlab fda tool for designing filters.

Filter Type= band stop
Design Method= IIR Butterworth
Filter Order Specify Order= 2
Frequency Specifications Fs= 1500 Hz , Fc1=48, Fc2=52
Under the menu option in the fdatool, select Convert To Single Section
The Single Section, Direct Form II coefficients from Matlab are:
Numerator: 0.9916918276 , -1.9401100454 , 0.9916918276
Denominator: 1.0 , -1.9401100454 , 0.983383655
This translates into the following Visual3D plugin coefficients
These coefficients are entered into the following Visual3D command
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