Visual3D Model for the 3DSSPP Market Set

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This marker set provides insufficient data to build 6 degree of freedom segments in Visual3D, and also provides insufficient data to adequately define 3 dimensional arm movements without adding constraints. It provides, however, more than sufficient information for a 3DSSPP model.

The subject may be facing in any direction, so it is recommended that a Virtual Laboratory be defined to accommodate this.

Many landmarks must be created to give this marker set 3D anatomical meaning. The model template is defined as follows:

Anatomical Measurements

There are several anatomical dimensions that should be measured. This marker set isn't particularly useful for 3D biomechanics but the inclusion of these dimensions makes the model moderately better. The default values will still create an animation of the movement that is representative visually. The default values are listed.

Shoulder Radius (measured AP) = 0.04 Elbow Radius (measured ML) = 0.04 Wrist Radius (measured AP) = 0.04 Knee Radius (measured ML) = 0.06 Ankle Radius (measured ML) = 0.06 Foot Radius (half the distance between first and fifth metatarsal) = 0.07

Laboratory Landmarks (NOT Calibration Only)

Name Starting Point Existing Segment Offset X Offset Y Offset Z
Lab_Origin LAB 0 0 0
Lab_X LAB 0.1 0 0
LAB_Y LAB 0 0.1 0
LAB_Z LAB 0 0 0.1

Virtual Laboratory Segment

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
Lab_Z 0.01
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
Lab_Origin 0.01
Location Lateral Lab_X
Tracking Targets
Lab_Origin Lab_X Lab_Y Lab_Z

Static Landmarks (Calibration Only)

Name Starting Point Ending Point Lateral Object Offset ML Offset AP Offset Axial
Right_Hip_Static RHIP LHIP 0.25 by Percent
Left_Hip_Static LHIP RHIP 0.25 by Percent
R_Shoulder_Static RSHO LSHO Shoulder_Radius
L_Shoulder_Static LSHO RSHO Shoulder_Radius
R_Elbow_Static RELB RSHO LSHO -Elbow_Radius
L_Elbow_Static LEBL LSHO RSHO -Elbow_Radius

Pelvis, Trunk and Head Segment (RTK)

The Pelvis, Trunk and Head are represented as one segment. This is perhaps the biggest limitation of creating a 3D biomechanical model using the 3DSSPP marker set. Note that the 3DSSPP model isn't really meant for biomechanics of an individual segment, so this model is simply a visual representation of the movement.

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets

Four tracking landmarks are created relative to the Pelvis, Trunk and Head Segment

Name Starting Point Existing Segment Offset to Existing Calibration Target or Landmark
Right_Hip RTK Right_Hip_Static
Left_Hip RTK Left_Hip_Static
R_Shoulder RTK R_Shoulder_Static
L_Shoulder RTK L_Shoulder_Static

Right Thigh (RTH)

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
RHIP Right_Hip
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
RKNE Knee_Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Right Thigh

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Right_Knee RTH 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Left Thigh (LTH)

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
LHIP Left_Hip
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
LKNE Knee_Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Left Thigh

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Left_Knee LTH 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Right Shank (RSK)

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
RKNE Right_Knee
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
RANK Ankle_Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets
RKNE Right_Knee RANK

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Right Thigh

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Right_Ankle RSK 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Left Shank (LSK)

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
LKNE Left_Knee
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
LANK Ankle_Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Left Thigh

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Left_Ankle LSK 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Right Foot (RFT)

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
RANK Right_Ankle
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
RFOO Foot_Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets
RANK Right_Ankle RFOO

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Right Thigh

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Right_Ankle RSK 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Left Foot (LFT)

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
LANK Left_Ankle
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
LFOO Foot_Radius
Location Lateral
Tracking Targets
LANK 'Left_Ankle LFOO

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Left Thigh

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Left_Ankle LSK 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Right Arm (RAR)

if the elbows are flexed during the standing trial, we can use the plane defined by the shoulder, elbow, and wrist markers to determine the calibration_only elbow joint center

Name Starting Point Ending Point Lateral Object Offset ML Offset AP Offset Axial
R_Elbow_Static RELB RSHO RHAN 0 Elbow_Radius 0

The Right Arm segment includes the Right Hand.

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
R_Shoulder_Static Shoulder_Radius
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
R_Elbow_Static Elbow_Radius
Location Anterior RHAN
Tracking Targets
R_Shoulder 'RSHO RELB

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Right Arm

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Right_Elbow RAR 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Left Arm (LAR)

if the elbows are flexed during the standing trial, we can use the plane defined by the shoulder, elbow, and wrist markers to determine the calibration_only elbow joint center

Name Starting Point Ending Point Lateral Object Offset ML Offset AP Offset Axial
L_Elbow_Static LELB LSHO LHAN 0 -Elbow_Radius 0

The Right Arm segment.

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
L_Shoulder_Static Shoulder_Radius
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
L_Elbow_Static Elbow_Radius
Location Anterior LHAN
Tracking Targets
L_Shoulder LSHO LELB

one tracking landmark is created relative to the Left Arm

Name Starting Point Existing Segment ML Offset AP_Offset Axial_Offset
Left_Elbow LAR 0 0 -1.0 as percent

Right Forearm (RFA)

The Right Forearm segment includes the Right Hand.

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
Right_Elbow Elbow_Radius
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
RHAN Wrist_Radius
Location Posterior RELB
Tracking Targets
Right_Elbow RELB RHAN

Left Forearm (LFA)

The Left Forearm segment includes the Left Hand.

Proximal Lateral Proximal Joint Proximal Medial Proximal Radius
Left_Elbow Elbow_Radius
Distal Lateral Distal Joint Distal Medial Distal Radius
LHAN Wrist_Radius
Location Posterior LELB
Tracking Targets
Left_Elbow LELB LHAN
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