Inspect3D Tutorial: Treadmill Walking In Healthy Individuals

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Visual3D and Inspect3D can be used to automate the processing of large batches of clinical data. This tutorial provides an example of how to do so using a publicly available data set.

Fukuchi et al.[1] published a gold standard public data set of marker-based motion capture to describe healthy individuals walking overground and on a treadmill. Although the authors present a number of descriptive analyses, the effect of using handrail support on gait biomechanics during treadmill walking has yet to be addressed in this data set. The following tutorial is designed to address this gap by using Inspect3D to compare joint angles between two groups of older adults: those who used a handrail and those who didn’t.


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Visual3D Processing

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Inspect3D Tags and Grouping

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Inspect3D Visualization and PCA Analysis

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Data set Fukuchi et al. A public dataset of overground and treadmill walking kinematics and kinetics in healthy individuals: [2]

Paper Fukuchi et al. A public dataset of overground and treadmill walking kinematics and kinetics in healthy individuals: [3]

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