Sift - Query Builder Dialog

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The Query Builder is used to define the queries that will extract signals from the loaded CMZ library. The dialog also allows you to group specific signals together based on a number of possible features, e.g. right/left or intact/affected.

Auto Populate Queries

The Auto Populate Queries button opens up a dialog that will allow you to customize the signals the auto generated query will pull from.

  • Auto-populate Settings File: This can be used to load in auto-population settings that have been previously saved.
  • Save: Will save the current auto-population settings for later use.


The signals tab is used to specify what signals to use when creating a query

  • Signal Type: Refers to the type of signal being queried e.g. LINK_MODEL_BASED, DERIVED, METRIC etc.
  • Signal Folder: The folder the queried signals can be found in e.g ORIGINAL, PROCESSED etc.
  • Signal Names: All the signals found of the given type in the specified folder.

Combine Sides

Provides options for combining signals together based on, side, tags etc.


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