Sift - Explore Page: Plot Controls

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The Explore Page's plot controls sets the type and style of data displayed in the plot viewer. There are four different types of plots:

  • Signal Time: Plots a continuous value over the course of time.
  • Metric: Plots a discrete calculated value.
  • Signal Signal: Compares a pair of continuous values.
  • Metric Metric: Compares a pair of discrete values.

Signal Time

  • Plot Type: A drop down to select a different plot type.
  • Groups
    • Plot Group Mean: Checking this will plot the mean value of the query group.
    • Plot Group Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the query group.
    • Group Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Workspace
    • Plot Workspace Mean: Checking this will display the mean value of the selected workspaces.
    • Plot Workspace Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the selected workspaces.
    • Workspace Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Plot All Traces: If this is checked all individual traces will be plotted.
  • Plot Options
    • Plot Styles...: Pulls up the plot options dialog as described here.
    • Data Styles...: Pulls up the data options dialog as described here.


  • Plot Type: A drop down to select a different plot type.
  • Groups
    • Plot Group Mean: Checking this will plot the mean value of the query group.
    • Plot Group Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the query group.
    • Group Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Workspace
    • Plot Workspace Mean: Checking this will display the mean value of the selected workspaces.
    • Plot Workspace Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the selected workspaces
    • Workspace Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Group Workspace Means By: A drop down to select how workspace means should be grouped, the options are: Do not Group, Group(Query Group), and Workspace.
  • Display Mean As: A drop down to select the style of chart used to display the mean, the options are: Bar Chart and Stacked Bar Chart
  • Plot All Traces: If this is checked all individual traces will be plotted.
  • Plot Options
    • Plot Styles...: Pulls up the plot options dialog as described here
    • Data Styles...: Pulls up the data options dialog as described here

Signal Signal

  • Plot Type: A drop down to select a different plot type.
  • Groups
    • Plot Group Mean: Checking this will plot the mean value of the query group.
    • Plot Group Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the query group.
    • Group Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Workspace
    • Plot Workspace Mean: Checking this will display the mean value of the selected workspaces.
    • Plot Workspace Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the selected workspaces
    • Workspace Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Plot All Traces: If this is checked all individual traces will be plotted.
  • Signal Signal
    • New Pair: Create a new pair from amongst the currently selected query groups.
    • Delete Pair: Delete the currently selected pair.
    • X Signal / Y Signal: Using these combo boxes he can set which signal is on the X or Y axis.
    • Plot Styles for X/Y Group: Determine which groups styles are used when displayed on the plot.
  • Plot Options
    • Plot Styles...: Pulls up the plot options dialog as described here
    • Data Styles...: Pulls up the data options dialog as described here

Metric Metric

  • Plot Type: A drop down to select a different plot type.
  • Groups
    • Plot Group Mean: Checking this will plot the mean value of the query group.
    • Plot Group Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the query group.
    • Group Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Workspace
    • Plot Workspace Mean: Checking this will display the mean value of the selected workspaces.
    • Plot Workspace Dispersion: Checking this will display the dispersion of the selected workspaces
    • Workspace Dispersion Type: A drop down to select the type of dispersion to display, options include: Standard Deviation, Two Standard Deviations, and Interquartile Range.
  • Plot All Traces: If this is checked all individual traces will be plotted.
  • Jitter Plot
    • Jitter Y/X Values: If checked the Guassian stdev value provided will be applied to each scatter plot point
    • Gaussian stdev: The degree of scatter to be applied.
  • Metric Metric
    • New Pair: Create a new pair from amongst the currently selected query groups.
    • Delete Pair: Delete the currently selected pair.
    • X Signal / Y Signal: Using these combo boxes he can set which metric signal is on the X or Y axis.
    • Plot Styles for X/Y Group: Determine which groups styles are used when displayed on the plot.
  • Plot Options
    • Plot Styles...: Pulls up the plot options dialog as described here
    • Data Styles...: Pulls up the data options dialog as described here
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