EMG Envelope

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This page shows an example of processing EMG data using the Root Mean Square (RMS) Amplitude Method.

Using the Moving_RMS Command

Moving RMS using Frame Window

For example the command below applies the moving RMS with a 51 frame window:

/Num_Window_Frames= 51

Moving RMS using Time Window

When reporting RMS, it's typically stated as an RMS window over a specified time interval of T.

An example of running an RMS over a 100 ms (0.1 seconds) window is achieved as:

! Moving RMS with 100ms window

Using the Moving_RMS Command to Process EMG Data

An example of "putting it all together". First the signal is Highpass filtered to remove the DC offset, then lowpass filtered and finally rectified:

! Apply a high pass filter with 50 Hz cutoff
! /Result_Suffix=
! /Result_Folder=PROCESSED
! /Filter_Class=BUTTERWORTH
/Frequency_Cutoff= 50
/Num_Reflected= 0

! Apply a low pass filter with 500 Hz cutoff
! /Result_Suffix=
! /Result_Folder=PROCESSED
! /Filter_Class=BUTTERWORTH
/Frequency_Cutoff= 500
/Num_Reflected= 0
! Moving RMS with 100ms window

If you are using a version of Visual3D older than 4.94, you can use the example here.

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