Event Define Event Sequence

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Defining an Event_Sequence as a single command parameter.

This option provides the flexibility to set offsets on the Event_Sequence and to embed an Event Sequence inside another event.


This event sequence will start one frame before the sequence RON+ROFF

The resulting signal can be used wherever an Event_Sequence is used.

For example, Metric_Mean

Instead of the following syntax:


you could use


Visual3D Versions supporting Subject Prefixes

NOTE: When using events in a command, the commands will iterate across subjects contained in the current workspace. As such, events being created should list the generic event label name, and as the event command iterates through subjects, it will create the subject specific events that are prefixed with the specific subject prefix.

In commands using event labels and event sequences to process data, the event labels and sequences listed to process between should be generic (without a subject prefix), and as each subject is processed, the event range/sequence specified will automatically use the specific events prefixed for each subject as they are processed.

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