Inspect3D Documentation ToolBar: Difference between revisions

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[[Image:I3DRescaleGraphs.png|30px]] The Rescale Graphs scales the graph so that the graph is fitted to the data that is being graphed.
[[Image:I3DRescaleGraphs.png|30px]] The Rescale Graphs scales the graph so that the graph is fitted to the data that is being graphed.

==Deselect Data==
==Highlight All Data==

[[Image:I3DDeselectData.png|30px]] The Deselect Data option returns all of the data on the graphs to an unselected status.
[[Image:I3DDeselectData.png|30px]] The Highlight All Data option re-highlights all data.

==Exclusion Options==
==Exclusion Options==

Revision as of 16:05, 2 May 2022

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The tool bar originally appears at the top left hand side of the page. However, its sections can be moved by selecting the set of vertical dots on the left side of the section and dragging it into a new position. If you right click on the tool bar a dropdown menu will appear that will allow you to hide any of the tool bar sections.


Clear Workspace

The Clear Workspace button will clear all the graphs, queries and library paths.

Load Workspace

The Load Workspace button allows you to open a workspace that you had previously created and saved. This includes any Library Queries, Data Queries, and Plots that have been created.

  • The file being loaded must be in the .i3d format and must have been saved in Inspect3D, a text file saved using any other program (such as Visual3D) cannot be loaded.
  • The 'Save Workspace' button updates the loaded workspace
  • Use the 'Save Workspace As' if you don't want to update the original workspace

Save Workspace As

The Save Workspace As button allows you to save your workspace, which includes any Library Queries, Data Queries, and Plots that have been created. They may be opened again in the future and allow you to continue working on you project from where you had left off. The Save Workspace As button is used the first time a new workspace is saved the a browser window will open allowing you to specify the workspace name and where to save it.

Save Workspace

Once the active workplace has been saved using the Save Workspace As button, clicking the Save Workspace button will simply update the saved file and maintain the previously designated file name and location.

Show Options

The Show Options button opens the options dialogue. For more information on the options available see the Options page.

Load Library

The Load Library button opens the Library dialogue. For more information on loading libraries see the Load Library page.

Group Definitions

The Group Definitions button is a dropdown with multiple options:

Group Definitions

Opens the Advanced Query Dialogue to define what signals to query from the CMO Library and group different signals together based on different conditions.

Load Group Def & Compute Groups

Load a Q3D file containing group definitions and query the open library.

Save Group Definitions

Save a Q3D file containing all open group definitions.

Clear Group Definitions

Clear current group definitions.

Reload Library

Re-query the CMO Library (this should be done if you modified the CMO Library in Visual3D). Note that any current inclusions/exclusions done in Inspect3D would be overwritten.

Layout Options

The layout button allows you to modify the layout of Inspect3D

Restore Layout

The Restore Layout button returns the layout of the sections of the screen to the position they were in when the program was started for its current session.

Save Layout

The Save Layout button allows you to save the layout of the screen sections so that they can be reused during another session.

Load Layout

The Load Layout button allows you to open a layout of the screen sections that you had saved during a previous session.

Restore Default

The Restore Default button will return the screen sections to their original positions (as seen on the main documentation page).

Export Results

The Export Results button allows you to export data to a text file.

Reload Library

The Reload Library reloads the library with any changes to the CMO files made outside of Inspect3D. Note any inclusion/exclusions done within Inspect3D would be lost.

Update CMOs With Bad Events

The Update CMOs With Bad Events button opens the Update CMOs dialogue box which allows the you to make changes to the original CMOs based on how you have manipulated the traces in Inspect3D.

Exclude Traces

Add Event to Exclude Signals - If the Add Event to Exclude Signals checkbox is selected the event name in text box below are added to all the excluded signals.

Text Box - The default Bad Event name is BAD. However, it can be appended to include more information. For example, BAD_Legs, if the bad events should only affect the legs and upper arm movements should not be excluded.

Add Tag to Excluded Signals - If the Add Tag to Exclude Signals checkbox is selected the tag name in the text box below is added to all the excluded signals.

Text Box - The default Bad Tag name is BAD. However, it can be appended to include more information. For example, BAD_Legs, if the bad events should only affect the legs and upper arm movements should not be excluded.

Use condition name for side (right/left) - If the Use condition name for side checkbox is selected then right or left will be added to the BAD event to indicate which side it is associated with.

Remove Force Assignment For Excluded Signals - If the Remove Force Assignment For Excluded Signals checkbox is selected then all of the force assignments that are associated with an excluded signal will be deleted.

Remove C3D file for excluded signals - If the Remove C3D file for excluded signals checkbox is selected then the c3d file for excluded events is removed from the .cmo file.

Selected Traces

Add Tag to Traces - If the Add Tag to Traces checkbox is selected and a name is typed into the Tag Name text box then the c3d files of all the selected traces will be tagged with the Tag Name.

Add Event to Traces - If the Add Event to Traces checkbox is selected and a name is typed into the Event Name text box then an event is added to all the traces that are selected.


Cancel - Clicking on the Cancel button will close the Update CMOs dialogue without making any changes to the original CMOs.

Update CMOs - Clicking on the Update CMOs button will make changes to the CMO files. These changes cannot be undone from within Inspect3D.

Show Animation

The Show Animation button opens an animation window that plays the 3D data for all the data the is selected in the graph.

Show Video

The Show Video button opens the video dialogue. The Selected Traces section of the dialogue box can be expanded and collapsed by selecting and deselecting the Selected Traces check box.

Query - The Query drop down menu has a list of all the queries computed in the current workspace.

Subject - The Subject drop down menu has a list of all the .cmo files that are loaded into the workspace.

Motion File - The Motion File drop down menu has a list of all the .c3d files that are contained in the selected subject or .cmo file.

Frames - The Frames drop down menu has a list of all the frame ranges that are outlined by the events in the queries.

Associate C3D with Video -

Associate Frames with Video -

Trim the video to the selected trace times - The Trim the video to the selected trace times check box allows the user to sync the length of the video to the length of the trace that is selected in the Selected Traces section.

Browse - The Browse button opens a standard file search window that allows the user to select the .avi video file that should be loaded.

Video - The video file that you have loaded using the Browse button. Note: If the Video section is not present when you first open the Video Dialogue, increase the size of the dialogue box. The video function will not work on virtual machines such as Parallels.

Controller - The Controller allows the user to navigate the video file.

Show Graphs

Pick one graph to display or all graphs:

Graph n,n or Row or Column

Display Graph: Row, Column

To change the number of graphs displayed, go to Options Dialogue Plot View Type.

Show all

The Show All button returns all of the graphs to the screen.

Rescale Graphs

The Rescale Graphs scales the graph so that the graph is fitted to the data that is being graphed.

Highlight All Data

The Highlight All Data option re-highlights all data.

Exclusion Options

The following options allow for the exclusion of data traces.

Exclude Trace(s)

The Exclude Trace(s) button allows the user to remove all the traces that are selected.

Exclude Subject

The Exclude Subject button allows the user to exclude all the traces that belong to the subject that is selected.

Re-Include All Data

The Re-Include All Data button allows the user to return all the traces that have previously been removed from the graph and the analysis.

PCA Options

The following options allow the user to control the PCA section of Inspect3D.

Show PCA Graphs

The Show PCA Graphs button allows the user to add and remove the PCA graphs from the main section of the program window.

Number PC's

The Number of PC's button allows the user to enter the number of primary components that should be calculated.

Use Subject Mean

The Use Subject Mean checkbox allows the user to use the subject means for the PCA calculation.

Run QA Using PCA

The Run QA using PCA button allows the user to open the dialogue box that controls these functions. The Run Quality Assurance Using Primary Component Analysis dialogue is divided into three sections: Search Parameters, Hotelling's test and outliers, and Custom C-Motion routine.

The quality assurance using PCA function allows the user to automatically search the data and identify traces that are outside the norm. The search for outliers can be done by Combined Groups, Group, and Subjects.


The Run PCA button instigates the calculation of the primary components.


The Documentation button produces a drop down menu that allows you to access various Inspect3D wiki pages.

The dropdown menu includes the following links:



-Tutorials. The tutorial button expands into a drop down menu that includes links to specific tutorials, including:

-Tutorial 1 - Quality Assurance
-Tutorial 2 - Export Tool
-Tutorial 3 - Principal Component Analysis



The About dialogue contains several important pieces of information regarding the Inspect3D program. These include:
-Version Number
-Release Date
-Copyright Information
-Contact Information (
-CMLib Version Number
-License Number
-The Activation and Deactivation Button
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