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In this example, the maximum is computed between the events '''BEGIN_SIT''' and '''BEGIN_STAND''', with any range containing the Event '''BAD''' being ignored.


Latest revision as of 01:59, 10 January 2023

This command computes the Maximum Value of a Signal and stores the value as a metric. The command parameters are as follows:

/RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER= Specify folder for the metric
/RESULT_METRIC_NAME= Name of the resulting metric
/APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME= Specify the metric name to be the ORIGINAL signal plus a SUFFIX
/SIGNAL_TYPES= Specify the signal type
/SIGNAL_FOLDER= Specify the signal folder
/SIGNAL_NAMES= Specify the Signal to be used
/SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= Specify the Signal components to be used (e.g. X, Y, Z or 0, 1, 2 etc)
/COMPONENT_SEQUENCE= Specify the Signal components to be used (e.g. X + Y + Z or 0 + 1 + 2 etc)
/EVENT_SEQUENCE= Specify the sequence of Events. Any number of Events can be entered (separated by +). This specific sequence of events must be true for a metric to be computed. The metric is computed from the first event in the sequence to the last event in the sequence
/EXCLUDE_EVENTS= If this event occurs before the first and last event, do not computed a metric
/SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START= Within the event sequence specify the beginning of the range as a percent
/SEQUENCE_PERCENT_END= Within the event sequence specify the end of the range as a percent
/GENERATE_MEAN_AND_STDDEV= Generate the mean and standard deviation of this metric across ranges and files
/APPEND_TO_EXISTING_VALUES== Do not Add these metric values to an existing metric
! /CREATE_GLOBAL_MAXIMUM= Create a metric in the GLOBAL Workspace containing the maximum of the maximums


In the following example, compute the Maximum Value of the derived signal HANDSPEED between the events FRAME1 and GO, with any range containing the Event SPEED_CHANGE being ignored.

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