Principal Component Analysis: Difference between revisions

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m (Added I3D Category)
m (Updating text for PCA subwindows to reflect change from Subject Scores to Workspace Scores.)
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* Visualizing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Variance_Explained|variance explained by each PC individually]];
* Visualizing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Variance_Explained|variance explained by each PC individually]];
* Visualizing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Loading_Vector|variance explained by each PC at each point in the signal's cycle]];
* Visualizing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Loading_Vector|variance explained by each PC at each point in the signal's cycle]];
* [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Subject_Scores|Scatter-plotting subjects' scores]] in PC-space;
* [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Subject_Scores|Scatter-plotting workspace scores]] in PC-space;
* Showing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Group Scores|distribution of subject scores]] for each PC;
* Showing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Group Scores|distribution of scores by group]] for each PC;
* Visualizing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Extreme_Plot|mean and extreme values]] that result from reconstructing the underlying data with each PC; and
* Visualizing the [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#Extreme_Plot|mean and extreme values]] that result from reconstructing the underlying data with each PC; and
* Visualizing how the signals can be [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#PC_Reconstruction|reconstructed from the computed PCs]].
* Visualizing how the signals can be [[Inspect3D_PCA_Graphs#PC_Reconstruction|reconstructed from the computed PCs]].

Revision as of 12:59, 8 May 2023

Language:  English  • français • italiano • português • español 

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a multi-variate statistical analysis that reduces the high-dimensional matrix of correlated, time-varying signals into a low-dimensional and statistically uncorrelated set of principal components (PCs). These PCs explain the variance found in the original signals and represent the most important features of the data, e.g., the overall magnitude or the shape of the time series at a particular point in the stride cycle. The value of each particular subject’s score for the individual PCs represents how strongly that feature was present in the data.

The Utility of PCA

When we analyse biomechanical signals, we could identify many isolated quantities (e.g. maximum and minimum values) and compare the signals based on these metrics. Given that there is a common underlying shape to all of these signals, however, it can be more informative to use a multivariate statistical technique that can capture this basic shape and compare the shape of each signal to this underlying shape.

Visualizing PCA Results

Inspect3D provides a number of ways to visualize and interact with the results of PCA. These include:


For a step-by-step example of how to use Inspect3D to perform PCA on your data, see the PCA Tutorial.


Our implementation of Principal Component Analysis is based on the article:

Deluzio KJ and Astephen JL (2007) Biomechanical features of gait waveform data associated with knee osteoarthritis. An application of principal component anslysis. Gait & Posture 23. 86-93 (pdf)
This study compared the gait of 50 patients with end-stage knee osteoarthritis to a group of 63 age-matched asymptomatic control subjects. The analysis focused on three gait waveform measures that were selected based on previous literature, demonstrating their relevance to knee osteoarthritis (OA): the knee flexion angle, flexion moment, and adduction moment. The objective was to determine the biomechanical features of these gait measures, related to knee osteoarthritis. Principal component analysis was used as a data reduction tool, as well as a preliminary step for further analyses to determine gait pattern differences between the OA and the control groups. These further analyses included statistical hypothesis testing to detect group differences, and discriminant analysis to quantify overall group separation and to establish a hierarchy of discriminatory ability among the gait waveform features at the knee. The two groups were separated with a misclassification rate (estimated by cross-validation) of 8%. The discriminatory features of the gait waveforms were, in order of their discriminatory ability: the amplitude of the flexion moment, the range of motion of the flexion angle, the magnitude of the flexion moment during early stance, and the magnitude of the adduction moment during stance.
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