3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP): Overview

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3DSSPP was written and is distributed by the University of Michigan.

3DSSPP predicts static strength requirements for manual lifting tasks, including push and pull. The program has widespread use, but has limited functionality for working with Motion Capture Data. Visual3D makes no claims about the value of the 3DSSPP results. We have implemented the capability to create the 3DSSPP batch files as a way of expediting the process for some of our customers.
Visual3D allows the user to output a batch file for 3DSSPP Version 5.0 based on Motion Capture Data. We are not aware of an automated method of launching 3DSSPP from Visual3D and executing the batch file, so the user must launch 3DSSPP manually and execute the batch file.
3DSSPP has a limited repertoire of 3D postures because it has an incomplete representation of the posture (joint angles are defined as projected angles, and their are artificial restrictions on range of motion), so we have made our best guess at transforming Motion Capture data into these postures.

3DSSPP Marker Set

A simple 3D marker set to be used with 3DSSPP and the command pipelines provided in this documentation. The marker names listed below are mandatory for these pipelines.
This marker set can be used for 3DSSPP without the necessity of creating a Visual3D model (e.g. no standing trial is required, but no animation of the skeleton is possible). If a Visual3D model is desired, see here for a description.

Exporting a 3DSSPP Batch File

Creating a batch file for 3DSSPP does not require the user to build a Visual3D model because 3DSSPP is not looking for a model, but for a set of projected angles between sets of 3 markers. Because no model is used, Visual3D is unable to render a body in the 3D animation window.


This meta-command creates a collection of DERIVED signals that are used for computing the 3DSSPP Planar Angles. This command is used where there is no Linkmodel, and therefore no Landmarks defined


Compute projected planar angles consistent with the definition of the model pose in the 3DSSPP software.


Create Event Labels for the Origin and Destination of the Lift
Each of the three tasks, floor-to-waist, knee-to-waist, waist-to-overhead are processed differently for the event detection.
These algorithms are not fool-proof, so it is imperative that the user check the events visually.

Launching the Batch File in 3DSSPP

Launch 3DSSPP.
Select the Task-Input menu item and select "Run Batch File". Visual3D should have created the batch file for you.
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