Sift - Principal Component Analysis

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Visualizing PCA Results

Sift provides a number of ways to visualize and interact with the results of PCA. An overview of all PCA visualizations can be found in Sift - Analyse Page.

This page includes:

Further Analysis

Sift has several built in modules to take you further with you PCA Analysis, including:


For a step-by-step example of how to use Sift to perform PCA on your data, see the PCA Tutorial.

For a step-by-step example of how to use Sift to perform further statistical testing on PCA results, see the Tutorial: Run K-Means.

For a step-by-step example of processing and analyzing large data sets in Sift and using PCA to distinguish between groups, see the Tutorial: Treadmill Walking In Healthy Individuals and the Tutorial: Analysis of Baseball Hitters.

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