Metric Root Mean Squared

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Compute a Root Mean Squared value of a signal as a metric.

Given data Xi for i=1,2....n
Mean Squared Error= MSE = sum(Xi^2)/n
Root Mean Squared Error= RMS= Sqrt(MSE) ;

For example, compute the root mean squared value of the Knee Joint Power from Start to End

/Signal_Names= Right Ankle Power
/Signal_Folder ORIGINAL
/Signal_Components= X
/Event_Sequence= Start+End
/SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START= Within the event sequence specify the beginning of the range as a percent
/SEQUENCE_PERCENT_END= Within the event sequence specify the end of the range as a percent
/Metric_Name= Right Angle Power RMS
/Apply_As_Suffix_To_Signal_Name= FALSE
/Generate_Mean_And_STDDEV= FALSE
/Append_To_Existing_Values= FALSE
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