CalTesterPlus Tutorials

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This tutorial has been deprecated and replaced.


Before starting any of the tutorials, you need to install the CalTesterPlus software

There are four modes in CalTester Plus:

Mode 1: Report Mode
This mode is used to create an error report based on collection trials
Mode 2: FP Position and Orientation
This mode uses the CalTester rod to recommend FP position and orientation
Mode 3: Template Location
This mode is used to identify the Template in the FP coordinate system and is meant to be used in conjunction with Mode 4
Mode 4: FP Location using Template
This mode is used to define the location of the FPs in lab coordinate system based on the location of the Template (the location of the Template is defined in Mode 3)

The following tutorials describe how to use these different modes, Mode 1 through 4 correspond to the following tutorials in the order they are listed.

Using the Report Mode

Creating a report gives you a written report of your CalTester c3d file. This report can either be saved as a PDF, as a text file, to a data base or printed.

If you wish to simply skip to interpreting your results go here.

Using the Platform Mode

Computing the Platform Pose gives you a written report of the force platform's exact location in your lab. This report can either be saved as a text file and the values can be inputted into the data collection software that you use.

Using the Platform Mode to create a Template

A Template (or cluster of targets fixed to the force platform) may be used to identify the location of a force plate. Two steps are required to do this:
Step 1 - The location of the Template in relation to the force plate origin must be identified. This is explained in the Using the Platform Mode to create a Template tutorial.
Step 2 - The Template may be used to determine the location of the force platforms in lab space, based on the location of the targets (see the next tutorial "Using the Template Mode")

Using the Template Mode

Updating the corners with a Template allows you to determine where your force platforms are in relation to your camera system without repeating the entire CalTesterPlus platform protocol. In order to use this function you need to have a set of permanent markers (i.e. a template) which have a consistent position relative to the force platform.

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